Summer Training for Fall Hunts: 5 Tips to Help You Prepare

It’s time to think about preparing for your fall hunts. Don’t wait until the last few weeks before your hunt. Start now by gradually getting into shape, and making sure your critical pieces of gear are ready for the mountains. Here are five ideas to help you get on track for the upcoming hunting season.


1. Work on Flexibility

Flexibility will help you avoid injuries and will help your body perform at its best. Not sure where to start? You might ask a friend who’s a trainer or physical therapist. Get them to show you a few at-home exercises and stretches using bands or handheld weights. You might even join a yoga class a few times a week. It doesn’t sound like a natural association with hunting, but yoga is perfect for improving flexibility and core strength.

2. Hit the Trails

Start hiking at least one day each week. Eventually, work up to two or even three times a week. You can begin on pavement or a treadmill, but you won’t build the same muscles that you will on uneven terrain. Go explore and climb steep hills. Take your time and build stamina throughout the summer by adding progressively longer hikes.

3. Put on Your Backpack

Load up the backpack that you plan to use while hunting, and wear it on your hikes. When hunting from our lodge, you won’t need a very large backpack. We recommend something in the 1,500-2,000 cubic inch range. Add weight for training purposes, and make sure the fit is adjusted properly. It’s best to discover any issues early on, so that you can make adjustments well before your hunt.

4. Test Boots and Other Gear

Take the opportunity this summer to begin hiking in your hunting boots and clothing and other gear. This might include your binocular harness, rangefinder pouch, or any other accessories you plan to carry in the field. If your boots have issues, you want to address that now and not when you’re in the backcountry. Make sure everything fits and functions smoothly so that you go into your hunt with confidence.

5. Focus on Nutrition

You don’t need a crazy diet or special supplements to get ready for a hunt. Just focus on eating healthy foods and drink lots of water, particularly as you increase workouts. This would be a good time to give up soda or other bad habits that might be holding you back. Lay off the sugar and junk food, focusing on lean protein (you can’t beat wild game), vegetables and healthy carbs in moderation.

If you’d like to learn more about hunting in Colorado with Dark Timber Outfitters, please explore the rest of our website. For availability and details, you can call Adam directly at 208-691-3014 or send us a message.


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